The update will be introducing a new 7-act storyline allowing players to choose between the original story that you’ve been able to play through thus far, and the brand new story that takes place 20 years in the future. “One game, two campaigns.” One of the phrases uttered in reference to the new campaign introduced into the game with the 4.0 expansion. So while this could potentially mean more money down the line, it looks like they’re instead opting to improve on the game everyone already loves, providing not only a brand new story, but altered versions of their characters, introducing new features into the game, and even a mobile spin-off called Path of Exile Mobile, which I did a video on on the mobile channel. With two games, they could potentially earn more money, could dominate more of the market, but at the expense of separating part of the community they’ve spent so long building. This is an interesting route to take, honestly. Yes, it’s not an entirely new game as some of us believed it would be, but instead, Path of Exile 2 will be a mega-expansion, reworking the entire game instead of producing a brand new game and alienating the current playerbase.

I’m sure every fan of Path of Exile was ecstatic at the news of an entirely new game – or, rather, expansion to the current game. I didn’t get the opportunity to go to nor watch the ExileCon event, but I was nevertheless filled with excitement when I heard the announcement of Path of Exile 2 after the event was over.